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Flutter Bloc for Beginners: Integrate Bloc to your screens
Nazli Temurtas
13 Sep 2023
Flutter is taking the world of mobile app development by storm, and if you’re diving into this vibrant ecosystem, there's one term you'll inevitably come across: Flutter Bloc. But what is Bloc, and how can you seamlessly integrate it into your Monday Hero screens? Let's uncover these mysteries step by step.
Understanding Flutter Bloc
Before you create your first app, understanding the Bloc pattern is essential. Bloc stands for Business Logic Component, facilitating a structured separation between your app's business logic and presentation layer, promoting a clean and maintainable codebase. In simpler terms, it ensures that your Flutter app's visuals (what you see) and its brains (how it functions) remain distinct yet harmoniously connected.
Why Use Flutter Bloc?
1. Clean Code: Bloc helps maintain a clean codebase, ensuring that different components have their unique roles.
2. Scalability: Easily manage your growing Flutter project with Bloc.
3. Reactivity: Update UI components seamlessly in real-time, enhancing user experience.
Getting Started with Monday Hero Starter Project
Before we dive into Bloc, it's essential to set up your Monday Hero Starter Project. Creating a new Flutter project is as simple as running the flutter create
command, but this provides you with a minimalistic app structure. It is a comprehensive project template pre-configured with a well-structured directory layout, robust theming system, support for localization, and more. This setup ensures that you have a strong foundation to build your Flutter app.
Integrating Flutter Bloc with Monday Hero: A Simple List Example
For those new to Monday Hero, it's a tool that turns your design into real, reusable code. Now, imagine combining this capability with the power of Bloc. Here’s a simple guide to achieve this:
1. Create Your First App
Kickstart your journey by creating your first app with the Monday Hero Starter Project. Follow the setup guidelines to get your project up and running.
2. Create Your UI
Once your project is active, it's time to create a dynamic UI with Monday Hero. You can swiftly turn your designs into Flutter cards or any other components. Simply upload your design and create a list screen using the one we've provided for you.
3. Integrating Flutter Bloc
Now that your UI is ready, let's integrate Flutter Bloc into your project.
a. Install Bloc Library
First, add the Bloc library to your pubspec.yaml
flutter_bloc: ^latest_version
Next, run the following command to install the new dependency:
flutter packages get
b. Create Your Bloc
Create a Bloc by defining various states and events your app might have. Here is a basic setup:
class MyBloc extends Bloc<MyEvent, MyState> {
MyBloc() : super(MyInitial());
// ...
c. Connecting Bloc to Your Flutter Card
Connect your Bloc to your Flutter card using BlocProvider
. Here is how you can provide your Bloc to the UI:
create: (context) => MyBloc(),
child: MyFlutterCard(),
4. Run Your App
With the Bloc successfully integrated into your Flutter card, run your app to see the changes in real-time.
You’ve just created your first Flutter app using the Monday Hero Starter Project integrated with Flutter Bloc! Leveraging the simplicity of Monday Hero for UI design and the robustness of Bloc for state management, you are well on your way to mastering Flutter app development. It's important to start with simple projects and gradually take on bigger challenges as you become comfortable with the Bloc pattern. I'll be giving more details in the next blog about it. Make the most of the resources available and keep experimenting.
Happy coding!