No more back and forth for the design bugs
How it works
Upload design
Use Monday Hero Plugin to import designs from Figma, Adobe XD, or Sketch App.
Create your components
Select parts of your page and create your reusable components with a click.
Preview & handoff the project
Preview how the code works and if you are good to go, synch with a click to your project.
No need to learn a new tool, integrate Monday Hero to your favorite design tool
Use Figma, Adobe XD, or Sketch App designs with Monday Hero.
Don't waste time preparing images!
No need to cut images and send them to developers. You can prepare the images by just clicking the make exportable button.
Handoff design guideline into code
- Colors, Text Styles & Images
Automatically get the guideline from Figma or Adobe XD to the code, get colors, text styles and assets.
- Organize guideline
Rename the colors, fonts and images.
- Automatically create guideline
If you do not have a guideline, nothing to worry. We will automatically create one for you, and you can rename it.
Get the correct font family, size, and weights automatically
Monday Hero automatically gets font family and sizes into code.
Test and hand off code to the development team.
See the code in action! You can help your developer by checking the code and handing it over. In addition to being a great team player, you can make sure the design looks beautiful!
Ready to Accelerate Your Development Process?
Experience the power of turning your designs into reusable code effortlessly.