Choose A Plan That Suits Your Team
The average salary of a developer is ~ $6,000/mo in the USA. You can save up to 50% of the development time using Monday Hero. So, save $3,000 with a $10 subscription.
1 Project/app (Swift or Flutter)
1 seat
$10/additional projects
Unlimited System & Custom / Reusable components
Export assets(png)
Code Export
Everything in Starter, and:
6 projects/apps (Swift & Flutter)
2 seats are included, $30/additional seats
AI Assistant with convert to React, Kotlin, SwiftUI capabilities
AI Assistant pre-ready prompts for adding validation, fixing bugs, and more
3,000 tokens/month for AI Assistant
Handoff design files to developers
Manage teams and roles
Export assets (png, pdf, svg)
Everything in Team, and:
Unlimited projects/apps (Swift & Flutter)
Unlimited seats
AI Assistant to convert into React, Kotlin, SwiftUI more
AI Assistant with pre-ready prompts for adding validation, fixing bugs, and more
30,000 tokens/month for AI Assistant
Unlimited System & Custom / Reusable Components
Early Stage Company?
Eligible startups can get code from Monday Hero for up to 2 projects & 2 seats and accelerate the development process. It starts from $30/mo for up to one year.
Introducing MVP & Prototype Creation Service starting from $30!
Want to turn your design into a functional MVP or prototype without diving into the technical details? Let us handle the heavy lifting! Upload your design, and our experts will transform it into a working prototype for you. No development knowledge needed. Experience a hassle-free transition from design to product with Monday Hero's new service.